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Quality By Vision or known as QbyV is a worldwide leader in quality control systems for metal packaging industry. The company started in 1973 as INDEL Electronics, they have pioneered the first computerized double seam inspection in 1993 for can makers, can fillers and suppliers. They have continued to develop various quality control systems for the industry. Bow Commercial has been a representative of QbyV for over 20 years. There are over 100 QbyV equipments and gauges in Thailand. The company is a subsidiary of Industrial Physics, the global leader in package and product integrity testing equipment.



SEAMetal Double Seam Inspection

To ensure good closure of a can, a double seam measurement is often taken to safeguard their seams are hermetically vacuum sealed. SEAMetal HD is the third generation of double seam vision systems since Quality By Vision released the world’s first automatic double seam scope in 1993. The product is advanced, highly accurate, fast and repeatable. In third party customer GR&R testing, this system was found to have “world class” GR&R rating! In Thailand, there are more than 50 SEAMetals installed in can makers, canneries and government institutes. Each seam can be measured automatically (less than 1 second per seam scan) or manually. The system comes with a free SPC software.


TBS-4M Manual Saw

TBS-4M manual saw is for cutting food can to inspect double seam. The saw is used together with SEAMetal Double Seam Inspection or other methods of double seam inspection. Quality by Vision saw is easy to operate and provides a clean cut for inspection. It has a proximity sensor which prevents blades from rotating without a can present for operator’s safety.


Score Residual Gauge

The score is an essential part of easy-open ends. When score residual depth is not optimal, it could result in a broken tab when trying to open the can or leakage. Quality by Vision Score Residual Gauge is a non-destructive score measurement and score groove profiling system which utilizes cutting edge optics and laser technology together with advanced software processing to measure score residual. It has high repeatability of +/- 1 micron comparing to 5 – 6 microns repeatability from alternative microscope-based gauges which depend on skilled operator. The system is robust, accurate and affordable solution to easy open-end measurements and score groove profiling.


Pop & Tear Tester

Quality by Vision’s Pop and Tear Tester is a high accuracy, programmable and automatic gauge for measuring the force needed to pop and tear an easy open food or beverage end or peel off end.


Can Profile Analyzer

Can Profile Analyzer is a non-destructive gauge used to measure can bead profile, height and flange. It is the first and one of its kind to use laser profiling technologies for a non-contact profiloscope can inspection. In seconds, the system automatically detects the beads, flanges and can height with optimal accuracy and at its top speed. The measurements are output to a report which can be exported into any popular file format.


Clearance Gauge

Clearance Gauge is used for seamer setup and adjustment. It takes the guesswork out of seamer setup, improves consistency, increases uptime and makes changeover faster. Feeler gauge or wire gauge is commonly used today to measure the distance between the roll and chuck, the process can be inaccurate and difficult for inexperienced seamer mechanics. Clearance gauge utilizes optical technology combined with software processing to determine the distance between the chuck and roll. It is compatible with most seamer models.


STANNOMetal 9000 – Tin Coating on Steel Thickness Analyzer

Quality By Vision is the exclusive manufacturer of the STANNOMATIC method of measuring Tin Coating thickness and Chrome Coating thickness. STANNOMetal 9000 is the first product to provide accurate tin coating thickness using WindowsTM operating system. The system uses electrolytic/coulometric hardware and software. These coulometer cells are used by STANNOMetal to inspect tinplate samples, and perform thickness measurement testing on the tin plated ferrum. The system contains preset ASTM, EURONORM, ISO and BSI standards. The operator can also add custom standards to the system.


Welding Analyzer

Welding Analyzer inspects nugget and extrusion of the welding point. The system utilizes a differential ring light to make the extrusion stand out and make it easy to see and measure. The Welding Analyzer software calculates average extrusion based on high and low measurements.


Buckle & Burst Tester for Aerosol Can

Aerosol Buckle & Burst Computerized Pressure Tester from Quality by Vision allows can maker to know which side of can buckled first and monitor all three pressure points in one run (two buckling pressures and the burst pressure). The system automatically measures, analyzes and records data. It can display the pressure and volume graphs to allow an operator to see the exact point where the can buckles (dome reversal) and bursts – automatic detection determines the exact point where the top or bottom dome buckles. The system includes built-in Symphony SPC system.


Body Blank Gauge

Quality By Vision’s Body Blank Gauge is a high accuracy, high repeatability gauge for measuring Body Blank length, width and angle (squareness). The gauge utilizes Heidenhain counter electronics with linear compensation in industrial quality. Constant measuring force for repeatable and user-independent results.


Can Height Gauge

Can height is one of the most important parameters to measure on a can. Quality by Vision’s Can Height Gauge provides excellent GR&R. The can is flat and stable on the included granite baseplate. The movement of the gauge is done using an adjustment wheel. The Can Height Gauge can be supplied with connectivity to Quality by Vision’s CPA, Symphony and SEAMetal software.


Flange Width Gauge

Quality By Vision’s flange width gauge has high GR&R (gauge repeatability and reproducibility). It can be integrated with Symphony software for data acquisition and SPC.


CHROMetal 9000 - Chrome (Cr) Coating Analysis

CHROMetal uses the STANNOMATIC method to measure chrome coating thickness. It capitalizes on SN (Stannium) and CR (Chromium) electrolytic cells by utilizing them with new hardware and software. The system allows the user to test using either the T.F.S (Tin Free Steel) or TP (Tin Plating) standards – which have been optimized for each type of chromium coating.

QbyV Products

Other Equipment

There are many more products from Quality by Vision for food, beverage and aerosol cans. More information can be found on Quality by Vision website. Example of products are:

For more information, please contact us.

Bow Commercial Co., Ltd.

165/9 Moo 2 Bangkhuwiang,

Bangkruai, Nonthaburi, 11130 


:  +66-2076-8100

:  +66-2076-3100

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